
Explore the geology bachelor's degree program at UW-Eau克莱尔

The 威斯康星大学欧克莱尔分校's geology bachelor's degree aims to describe, 分析和解释地球自然环境和人类文化系统的模式和过程. The growing major is an excellent choice for those who enjoy the outdoors, are passionate about the environment and have a strong aptitude for math, 科学与化学.

在整个项目中, you'll gain a solid foundation in areas like physical geology, 环境地质, 构造地质学, 水文地质, 还有矿物学和计量学, helping you to uncover relations between people, 的地方, 文化和环境. You'll also be immersed in the fascinating world of digital tools and techniques. Through coursework and unique projects, 您将获得使用计算机图形学和应用地理信息系统(GIS)来分析和呈现地质数据的第一手经验.

澳门葡京网赌送彩金,你将面临挑战,把你所学到的东西付诸实践. 作为必修顶点课程的一部分, you'll choose between joining a student-faculty 研究 project, preparing and presenting a department seminar, participating in an internship or enrolling in a field experience. 许多地质学专业的学生选择参加蒙大拿西南部为期三周的实地课程来满足这一要求. 在那里, you'll explore advanced geologic field techniques, 重点介绍了变形深部构造的地质图和剖面的构造, 火山, 变质岩和沉积岩.

Because of the broad-based nature of our geology programs, graduates find endless employment opportunities are available to them. 你可以继续作为一名地质学家在环境咨询公司进行现场调查, 帮助客户预防不可预见的环境影响,或收集数据为客户决策提供依据. 不管你选择的职业是什么, 你会有知识的, skills and experiences necessary to do what you love — and make your mark.

学生可以选择攻读综合地质学学士学位或标准地质学学士学位. 这个综合课程是为那些对职业地质学家感兴趣的人设计的, hydrogeologists or geological engineers, 或为那些希望为地质科学或工程研究生课程做好充分准备的人. 标准课程是为那些对更广泛的一般科学训练以及地球科学与其他科学之间的关系感兴趣的人准备的.


Soaring to new heights in new 的地方

地质学专业的学生Lindsey Henricks和布莱恩Rayhorn整个夏天都在美丽但非常偏远的阿拉斯加北部的一家地质咨询公司工作. 这个位于北极圈之上的山脉的地形意味着他们要乘坐直升机上下班, w在这里 they created new geologic maps, collected soil samples or surveyed the area with senior geologists.

“我认为这份工作最吸引我的地方是我可以做一些我以前从未做过的事情, in a place most people will never get the chance to see,林赛说. “我也觉得很神奇,我已经踏上了其他人可能从未踏足的地方."

了解更多有关ir adventurous summer working in 阿拉斯加.


State-of-the-art instrumentation and facilities. The geology department at UW-Eau克莱尔, along with the Materials Science and Engineering Center, 拥有最先进的分析设备,这在本科院校很少发现. With nearly 100 unique pieces of high-tech instrumentation, 在这里, you can analyze your field samples right on campus. 从分析地球化学设备到矿物学和岩石学设备,再到该领域使用的最新软件,我们应有尽有.

实习机会. Our geology students have unparalleled internship opportunities, 这在很大程度上要归功于我们通过“责任采矿倡议”(RMI)赠款建立的罕见的行业伙伴关系. 这些联系使我们的学生在该地区的几家行业领导者中拥有巨大的招聘优势.

Fascinating, personalized curriculum. 地质学专业内的各种选修课程可以让你追求多种激情,并研究你最感兴趣的主题. Explore courses in vegetation ecology, 无脊椎动物, 无机化学, 遥感, 或者恒星和星系. 这种灵活性让你有机会成为多个领域的专家,并为更多的职业道路打开大门. 

励志世界旅行. 全国公认的地质项目的优势是强调学习和使用现场技能. Field experiences have taken Blugolds to British Columbia and Maine, and international coursework has been offered in Guatemala, 瑞士和阿根廷. 在西德克萨斯州和新墨西哥州必修的为期三周的实地课程将给你第一手的经验, 专业经验,让您发现您的地质激情和兴趣. 

大自然近在咫尺. Our campus’ physical location provides nature right at your fingertips. Bordered by a nature preserve known as Putnam Park, UW-Eau克莱尔 has over 230 acres of terrain perfect for studying soils. The Chippewa River and Little Niagara Creek flow right through our lower campus, and Big Falls County Park is just 12 miles away.

地质学奖学金机会. 对地质学专业感兴趣的一年级学生可以申请布鲁戈尔德新生地质学奖学金. 两份1美元的奖学金,每年有000人获奖, 感谢威斯康星大学欧克莱尔分校的地质学校友,他们有兴趣支持下一代的Blugold地质学家.


acres of natural area right on campus


field course in West Texas and New Mexico


or continuing education after graduation



  • 课程长度:四年
  • 提供:亲自
  • 校园:欧克莱尔
  • This major can be completed with or without a minor.  
  • This program is also available as a minor.
  • 主修该课程的学生可以选择文学学士(BA)或理学学士(BS)学位.
  • 地质俱乐部
  • 女性 & STEM中的少数性别群体

What can I do with a geology degree from 澳门葡京网赌送彩金?

Endless career paths are available to comprehensive geology majors. Our grads go on to work in the environmental industry, 采矿业, 石油工业, regulatory agencies such as the DNR and EPA, 咨询, 政府, 研究, 法律与教育. 他们也为地质科学或工程学的研究生课程做好了充分的准备. 

选择标准地质学专业的学生可以设计最适合他们职业目标的学位计划. 这可能包括纳入商业课程或创意写作,艺术或摄影的兴趣. 

No matter your path, geology careers are on the rise. 以及对能源的需求, environmental protection and responsible land and resource management grows, so does the demand for geoscientists.



Bryanna poses on a mountainside in 阿拉斯加.

澳门葡京网赌送彩金 helped me develop into the person I am today. 地质系和我的导师为我的成功付出了巨大的努力. 在大三的时候,我开始参与一个师生合作的研究项目,这个项目最终把我送到了阿拉斯加的一份暑期工作/实习. 澳门葡京网赌送彩金给我的机会塑造了我的整个未来,我终于知道我长大后想成为什么!

布莱恩Rayhorn 地质


从小学开始,特雷弗·纳尔逊就热衷于研究地球的地貌和景观. And his first geology class at UW-Eau克莱尔 was no different. After taking courses in minerology and economic deposits, 特雷弗发现自己对采矿着迷,他的热情让他在朱诺实习, 阿拉斯加. 毕业后, he will begin working at the same mine w在这里 he interned as an exploratory geologist, examining the expansion of the mine and available resources.

地质 bachelor's degree program curriculum

Curriculum within the geology major and minor is rooted in experiential learning. 严格的基于现场的编程将传统的地质现场技能与现代技术和计算科学相结合, preparing you well for the real world. Students can expect to use the same state-of-the-art tools, technology and software that professionals are using in the field today, 包括现场计算机系统, GIS mapping software and high-resolution GPS equipment.

What classes do geology majors take?

Your classes may cover topics like: 

了解更多有关 geology - general geology comprehensive major in the 澳门葡京网赌送彩金 course catalog

了解更多有关 standard geology major in the 澳门葡京网赌送彩金 course catalog.

了解更多有关 geology minor in the 澳门葡京网赌送彩金 course catalog.


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Thinking about a bachelor’s degree in geology? Here are other programs you may be interested in exploring.




欧克莱尔, WI 54701
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