
Explore the political science bachelor's degree program at UW-Eau克莱尔

研究管理机构, 个人和群体的政治行为, and public policy with a political science bachelor’s degree from the 威斯康星大学欧克莱尔分校. 在这个严格的项目中, 您将使用各种方法在本地检查问题, 国家和全球层面, as well as learn how politics affect countless aspects of our lives.

在威斯康星大学欧克莱尔分校攻读学位的时候, 你将从专家教授那里学习像正义这样的话题, 安全, 和平, 少数群体权利和隐私. You'll also have access to a wide variety of statistical databases that allow you to analyze real data in classes centered around public opinion and voting. Class sizes are kept small so that every student can receive individual attention and participate in discussions that are vital to learning.

Political science examines various systems of government within and among nation-states and the principles on which they are based. 通过独特的项目和讨论, 你会熟悉政治概念和问题, their historical background and their relevance to the cultural systems in which they arise. Enhance this knowledge by joining one of our on-campus student organizations, 比如法律预科俱乐部, 模拟审判小组和Sigma. 注重丰富和简历建设活动, these clubs directly connect you with students who are also interested in political science. 这也是向演讲嘉宾学习的好方法, 参加研讨会,把你在课堂上学到的东西联系起来. 

Countless opportunities await you in the political science department: internships, 研究项目, 留学经历等等. Whether you’re interested in pursuing law school or graduate school, 或者马上进入职场, you’ll graduate well-prepared and ready to make an impact on the world of political science.


Bachelor’s degree, studying abroad and internships all in two years

利亚姆巴 came to UW-Eau克莱尔 with a passion for political science and economics — plus an ambitious plan to make the most of his college experience in as few semesters as possible.

After only two years as a Blugold, Liam became a 澳门葡京网赌送彩金 grad at the age of 19. 尽管他在学校待的时间很短, 利亚姆仍然可以从事多个实习工作, 花一个夏天在伦敦留学等等.


独特的实习机会. An advanced internship program within the political science major offers opportunities for on-the-job experience in an executive or legislative office, 一个非政府机构, 欧克莱尔市或县办公室, 竞选总统的政治运动, 国会, 市议会或利益集团. Not only do internships provide you with real-world learning and valuable connections — but you'll also earn up to six college credits.

创新的设施. UW-Eau克莱尔 is home to three incredible resource centers — the Center for Global Politics, the Political Research Institute (PRI) and the Center for Constitutional Studies — each with the goal of supporting you as you work toward your degree. 政治研究所, 例如, is a nonpartisan organization dedicated to connecting local governments, nonprofit organizations and other groups to experts in political science and law. The PRI assists local governments in designing and implementing surveys, 提供咨询澳门葡京网赌送彩金, 并且可以帮助外部和内部团队查找和分析数据.

引人入胜的个性化课程. The political science major allows you to pursue multiple interests and study the topics that may be most relevant to your career goals. 探索美国政治课程, 比较政府, 国际关系等等.

研究合作和实际经验. 无限的研究机会等待着你在威斯康星大学欧克莱尔分校. The political science department's student-faculty research program has given students a chance to work on projects studying topics like cyberbullying, 数字青少年约会暴力, 全球化和伊斯兰教. This strong education and valuable out-of-classroom experience has helped the political science department produce four Fulbright Award winners — and you could be next!

相关学生组织. 作为一名政治学专业的学生, you'll have access to fun and skill-building student organizations that can help take your learning to the next level. Many political science students find interest in the Society of Politics Club, a social and professional organization that can help you make connections and broaden the scope of your political knowledge.

与本地雇主的联系. Annual on-campus Career Conferences and a Non-Profit and Government Career Fair bring potential employers right to you. These events are excellent opportunities to network and submit your resume for current and future job openings. 





  • 课程长度:四年
  • 提供:亲自
  • 校园:欧克莱尔
  • 这个专业需要辅修或证书.
  • 这个课程也可以作为辅修课程.
  • Students majoring in this program may choose either a Bachelor of Arts (BA) or Bachelor of Science (BS) degree.
  • Sigma
  • 模拟联合国俱乐部(MUNC)
  • 法律系的俱乐部
  • 政治学会
  • 模拟审判小组


Graduates of our political science degree have gone on to work for the U.S. 政府、公关公司、律师事务所等等. The rigorous major provides a strong foundation in government and civic engagement, making it a great option for those who wish to declare a pre-law path or pursue law school. 


It was inspiring to work with so many intelligent and talented people who have incredible stories and experiences to share — and to know that each one of them is dedicated to making this country better.

诺亚Wiedenfeld 政治科学


Curriculum within the political science degree offers you the ability to choose courses from four main topics: American politics, 国际关系, 比较政府和政治理论. Coursework will explore global politics as well as public policy in the U.S. — and how politics influences aspects of our everyday lives, including film and media.

Students are strongly encouraged to develop a 15-credit topical theme as a part of their major course of study. You can create your own theme or choose from a recommended path such as constitutional studies, 全球人权, 选举政治, 全球冲突解决和美国政治发展.



了解更多有关 澳门葡京网赌送彩金课程目录中的政治学专业.

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